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On-site and virtual activities

In 2019 we were able to experience a number of on-site activities both on and off campus. There were table tennis championships, conversation sessions on relevant and current topics with academics from our university and tandems from countries such as France and Brazil. Outside the campus, the Coordination of USACH Without Borders organized guided tours to different heritage, cultural and tourist places in Santiago, such as the Museum of Memory and Human Rights, the Natural History Museum, the Bahá'í Temple, and La Moneda Palace, among others.

Since 2020, as a result of the pandemic, USACH Without Borders has changed its activities to virtual mode and has been held dynamic and interactive sessions for national and international students, so we are still working!

In 2021 we want to continue creating virtual activities that promote interaction between cultures, preparing ourselves so that in the future we can welcome you and accompany you again in person during your stay at the University of Santiago de Chile.


Find out in the DRII Calendar about the activities we will carry out during the first semester of 2021.


To see the videos of all our activities, go to our Video Section.